Two exciting companies I have partnered with are Action Pro Gear ( and Ultimate Concealed Carry ( Both provide a nice selection of holsters and concealed carry options.
Active Gear Pro has several products including the Deep Concealment Shoulder Holster, which is a fitted band worn around the chest with a holster built in under the arm. It allows concealment under a casual or dress buttoned shirt with complete confidence. I personally own one of these and it is truly DEEP concealment. I have stocked several of these as well as some of their other offerings, that a look here or on their web site for something you may be interested in.
Ultimate Concealed Carry has some unique products, including the Flashbang Bra Holster. It consists of a formed Kydex holster with a strap that attaches to the center strap of a bra. The draw is straight down so there is no awkward movements to draw the pistol when needed. There is an awesome video on their web page showing how fast a draw from this holster can be. I will be stocking a selection of these holsters as well. I will be adding a page to the KMM site over the weekend highlighting these products.
As I hear from customers, I will build stock on the items wanted most. As usual, if there is something available on their sites that I do not have in stock, special orders are always available, and I can save you money.